Thursday, July 29, 2010

What? Not another RINO....

My blog may be new but people have already found it/me... Somerset County has needed a place to air political laundry and some dirty socks were sent my way today.

Apparently Mr. Phoebus, esquire from Crisfield is VERY good friends with Mrs. Hickman, States Attorney in Princess Anne. Mr. Phoebus is a Republican (supposedly) and Mrs. Hickman is a registered Democrat.

Mr. Phoebus decided NOT to support his Fellow Republican during this Election season and has sworn his unwavering support to Mrs. Hickman. This allegiance has gone so far as to request Republican Voters to remove the Yard Sign of the Republican Candidate for State's Attorney and install the Yard Sign for Mrs. Hickman in its place.

It must not be going well for the Hickman campaign. If you have witnessed this kind of behavior on behalf of ANY candidate, please let me now. I WILL document these improprieties.

WOW… They must have some kind of friendship, that's all I can say...


  1. It is because of this "unwavering support of Mrs. Hickman" that I will be voting for Otto. How on earth can anyone support such a candidate with the reputation that seems to be following "Mrs" Hickman these days? Let's put someone in office that actually cares about this position and cares about the people of Somerset County, and not so much about themselves or the next social function.

  2. What about the fact that Dan Powell has camnpaigned for Gov. OMalley?

  3. I know Dan Powell and I know the reason he supported O'Malley was because he and his wife were friends and worked with Katie O'Malley at the Balto. Co. State's Attorney's Office. Dan's a prosecutor and a former army officer so I know he's a conservative guy. At the time Dan was a conservative Democrat, but he switched to Republican when he saw there was no room for conservatives in the Dem. Party.

  4. So it is ok for Mr. Powell to campaign for his friend's husband for governor, but not ok for Mr. Phoebus to support (notice I did not say campaign, because I haven't seen evidence of that) his friend for state's attorney? How come?

  5. Only an idiot could make that last post.

    Mr. Powell is campaigning for himself as best I can tell. Four years ago he wasn't a candidate for anything. In the primary season candidates should be working to gain the nomination on behalf of THEIR party. Worrying about another candidates race is foolish, especially if that candidate belongs to a different party.

    Can't Mrs. Hickman get herself elected based on her acomplishments? With that said can't Mr. Phoebus do the same? That is the important topic to debate here. If these two can't run their own campaigns and stand out from the crown on their own two feet, why the hell would you want them to be your representatives in their respective positions.

    Elected office is not a "TEAM" position. Stand on your own two feet you weak cowards! Quit trying to make yourselves look stronger and more capable by showing off what "popular" people you know.


  6. Have you looked at the Somerset Herald ? You let a gun carrying felon off the hook . You win an election because you have a certain last name ? Our judiciary system is going to hell in a hand bag. You know, this is the year for a clean up. I am a Democrat, and never seen such a mess like this . Do you know why the Democrats. are running scared ? They wait until the boat gets rocked and guess what ? They all are rats on a sinking ship. One thing about this election is .We are going to clean house ? Don't insult the intelligence of our people , we can read the paper, and we see that we need to clean house , guess what ? We will !
